Dynamo, Automatic dimension of all wall elements


All drawings in Revit are of “wall” type. I want to dimension all walls. How do I do it automatically?

use google, or this forum
-genius loci, dimensions- for the search

there are good plugins for that task out there, for free as well

thank you for your suggestions :slightly_smiling_face:

Are there any plugins that I have used before and that you recommend?

Yes but I’m looking for a free option

find a package of someone but I do not know if there is any that do that, or try to create a dynamo script then, but it can be quite challenging to achieve

In 2022 there is a WallDimension node. Use this to dimension to the faces of each selected wall and place the dimension at a pre-selected placement line. A quick example.

I would highly recommend researching as much as possible using the Genius-Loci package as @Marcel_Rijsmus mentions. Understanding how the tool works with references, you can create some pretty cool auto-dimensioning scripts.

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I checked, unfortunately the function is removed. Again, thanks for your help.

Weird. That node is part of the Revit package, so it’s included with OOTB Dynamo. Been there since at least 2020 actually.


As stated, if you have the Genius-Loci package installed, that is a good goto and start point for dimensioning.

Revite 2024

Okay. I don’t have 2024 yet, so I guess they took it out. My apologies!