Dynamo: Automated Placement of Marker Family from Excel with Custom Attributes

Hello everyone,

I am seeking your help with a Dynamo project. As a beginner, I would like to accomplish the following task:

I have an Excel file containing:

  • Point coordinates (X, Y, Z)
  • A ‘value’ column associated with each point

My goal is to automate the placement of a ‘Marker’ family on each of these points, following these conditions:

  1. Each family must be placed at the exact coordinates of the corresponding point
  2. The ‘STG_PHOTO 360’ attribute of each family must be filled with the ‘value’ associated with the point

Concrete example: For point #1 with specific coordinates and a value of 10, I want to:

  • Place a ‘Marker’ family at these coordinates
  • Fill its ‘STG_PHOTO 360’ attribute with the value 10

I have started creating a Dynamo script for this task.

You can download it here : Unique Download Link | WeTransfer

Thank you in advance for your help.


You seemed pretty close… I think you need the ‘End’ node, because you can’t set a parameter until the Placing of the family has been completed. Also, you need to be a little careful of data types… Your value was Text, but it seemed to be coming in as a Number (there is a ‘read as strings’ input on the Excel if you want to force everything to a String, but mostly life is a bit more complex than that!)

I suspect your next question will be about Coordinate systems, if so, drop us an example setup with your shared coordinates setup and links :slight_smile:

Hope that helps,


P.S People like it if you drop a screen grab in the post, you’ll see Dynamo has a button for that on the top right.


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Thank you for your help.
I tried your script and it works perfectly for placing the families at the correct coordinates. However, I noticed an issue with the values: they appear with trailing zeros (e.g., “9,000000” or “500,000000” instead of just “9” or “500”).


It’s when Dynamo converts a number to a string, perhaps i hadn’t hit save on it when i dropped the link… if you look at the screen grab, it splits the string to drop them…



:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:
What should I do to remove them? I looked at the screenshot but it’s the same

Try changing the . to , in the ‘Code Block’ :slight_smile:

It’s a Europe / UK thing :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for your help Mark!
I really appreciate the time you took to solve my problem.
Your solution was exactly what I needed and works perfectly now. Thanks again for your valuable assistance!

:index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :+1: :clap: :raised_hands: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:


No worries :slight_smile:

Hi @Jobez7,
It will be helpful for the community if you mark the answer that solves your problem as solution. :slight_smile: