Dynamo: Adaptive Component Placement sample

I’m looking at the sample and am noticing that the adaptive component gets placed based on the XYZ coordinates computed from the picked curves, but the points are not actually hosted onthe curves themselves. Is this the typical intended workflow when placing ACs in Dynamo? If you set it to run automatically and you change the picked curve, it re-computes the ACs, so it sort of acts as if the points are hosted, but was wondering if there is a way to actually host the points instead of just placing them in space.


I am also having difficulty understanding how the Combine node works, specifically the “comb” input label. In this example it is hooked up to a list node which has no inputs of its own. Can someone elaborate how these two are working together? What do the inputs “index0” etc. do in this case? I added a Watch node between the List and Combine nodes, but it just reports <function>, so I’m not sure what is actually being passed. Thanks for any help.

Thanks, will give it a shot as I'd prefer this approach since you can have everything flex "as we're used to", without depending on Dynamo to update the adaptive components.

Yeah, for Combine, it roughly means "do this operation to these things". I think we are going to chane the port names, they're a little off

Hi Dave,

For hosting a ref point on a line (more like how you would do it if you were making the assembly by hand) you can use the "ref point on edge" node, which allows you to create a point or collections of hosted points using a 0-1 parameter to place them.

I think I understand the second part of my question...the List node is telling the Combine node "Hey, take the inputs and chop them into a bunch of lists containing "X" pieces of information, where "X" are the number of inputs in the List node. What was confusing me is the naming...it started as "index0", "index1" and "index2" and somewhere along the clicking and experimenting, the first input changed to "item(s)" instead.