Has anyone not been able to view geometry in the 3D workspace or view the 3D workplane?
I have checked my View settings to show the 3D background workspace, but modeled elements and the workplane grid are never visible. But when running the workflow in Revit, the modeled elements appear in Revit only. Any Thoughts?
I talked to an Autodesk Rep at AU 2017 that was familiar with the issue.
Are you using a dual monitor set up with a docking station? You will want to disconnect the dock before opening Revit and Dynamo. Open Revit and Dynamo, you should see the background preview. Then, reconnect the dock for dual monitors.
I’ve manually added Revit (see screenshot). All the defaults are “Use Global Setting”. I’m slightly confused, in that surely this is the default anyway, for an unlisted application?
The other thing is that you have 3 sections in your 3D Settings dialogue. You have an extra section in the middle, presumably to select the graphics adaptor?
(I have two graphics adaptors, but they are both the same make/model.)
It’s possible…Have you tried disconnecting the monitors, and starting and running Dynamo/ Revit on the single laptop monitor? Maybe, reboot the machine once disconnected from dual monitor setup…and after configuring settings back to single monitor use…
When this had happened to me, I was always trying to use Dynamo while set up and connected for dual external monitors. Once I disconnected, rebooted the machine, and started Revit and Dynamo using the single laptop monitor, everything showed up. I was then able to reconnect to my docking station for my externals, and the background preview remained visible.
@Alien Upon PC startup, enter the BIOS and set the hybrid graphics from Automatic to Disabled. Or post a pic here for some extra advice if it doeant look like that. This should force the system to just use the dedicated GPU and your previews should be back. This works on my HP Z Book.
If I disable one before firing up Dynamo it works. I can then turn it back on afterwards. Very irritating but at least I’ve got my Dynamo background!
Hi, I am facing the same issue. Could you please help with how to disable the graphics card to fix this?
I am using a desktop setup with dual monitors.
Thanks, for now i tried disabling the secondary monitor before launching Revit and Dynamo and it worked temporarily. Later i connected the secondary monitor. I will surely google a solution for permanent fix