Dynamo 3.0.3 Release


Hello, friends of Dynamo!

We are excited to announce our latest release, Dynamo Core 3.0.3! What’s in it? Check out a quick summary below:

Dynamo 3.0.3 targets .NET8 and updates Dynamo’s major version to address technical needs, with impact to package authors. This release consolidates the package management experience, with a single Package Manager dialog to search, install, publish, and maintain packages. This release also adds improvements to node search, makes long text in Watch nodes more readable, and adds a suite of updated Revit sample graphs. You’ll find out-of-the-box Gate and Remember nodes, additional data type support for Data.ParseJson and Data.StringifyJson, updates to the Graph Node Manager, more predictable Zoom Extents for background previews, and other fixes and improvements.

Learn more about the release in our blog: Dynamo Core 3.0.3 Release - Dynamo BIM

Ready to jump in? You can download the release here. Be sure to let us know your feedback under this post!

Previous few release blog posts:

Dynamo Core 2.19 Release – Dynamo BIM

Dynamo Core 2.18 Release - Dynamo BIM

Dynamo Core 2.17 Release - Dynamo BIM


I have Dynamo 2.12 attached in Revit 2022. How can i update to Dynamo 3? Thanks

The only way to update your Dynamo for Revit, Dynamo for Civil 3D, or any other hosted type of Dynamo is to update your Revit/Civil 3D/other applocation.

This means there is no version of Revit with Dynamo 3.0 in it outside of the beta builds of Revit 2025 currently offered to those who want to test things before they are released.


Is ironpython 2.7 still going to work in 3.0.3? (I working to get everything to cpython it is taking to long i know)

There is a version of the IronPython package (3.2?) which is intended for Dynamo 3. Feel free to give it a shot using a Dynamo sandbox build.


Hi Jacob,
How can I get Revit 2025 to test the latest Dynamo for Revit?

Apply for the Revit preview project:


@GavinCrump and for C3D?

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Same idea, but a different link. @zachri.jensen likely knows where and can likely provide more insight.

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If you go to the Opportunities section you should see the apply for “Autodesk Infrastructure Futures” which covers Civils 3d


Yes, Civil 3D betas can be found on the Autodesk Infrastructure Futures portal.


i am using dynamo 2.18 for revit 2024, can i use dynamo 3.0.3 for revit 2024?

I joined dynamo forum and it helped.

however, do you know if i need more in depth help for dynamo, where else can i get them from? for example, do you know if there is any course at autodesk university to teach me how to make dynamo graph to achieve my purposes?

please help

No, but likely you’ll be able to use some type of Dynamo 3 in Revit 2025.

There are a LOT of Dynamo sessions in the AU catalog, as well as at many other AEC Tech conferences. Best to learn the basics before you tackle a specific though, otherwise you will struggle with simple tasks for a specific use without that solid foundation. The Dynamo Primer and Dynamo Office Hours YouTube series are great for that base. Skip nothing in the primer as it aims to teach those basic concepts, not the specific outcome.


Point.ByCOOrdinates operation failed.could not loadfile or assembly
‘LibG.Managed,Version= Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=nuII’



Do you have one of the latest Revit, AuroCAD, Civil3D, or other toolsets installed on the system? If not the geometry library cannot be loaded.

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this mean i can’t only using dynamo,to control tekla?
to use the base geo assembly(points) must install these soft?

two things

  1. no you cannot use geometry without some ADSK product installed - this is explained in a few spots, blogs posts, and the forum in many threads.
  2. In this particular case, I think you need a preview version of Revit or something else since this version of Dynamo supports an as yet un released version of the adsk geo library - so you can try getting the Revit beta.
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