Hi Michael !
Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate any help at this point.
SO i solved part of my problem, but not all of it. I figure out that part of the reason it was not running at all (not starting) was because I had to re-select the path to the file containing the data I was using in my script. Even though I tried using a boolean node to fake a change in the script, and force dynamo to re-read the data, it did not seem to do the trick !
That being said, I have determined that one of my python node where I am creating geometry is the main cause of why my code now seems to run but never completes -> when i try to run the script with that node, the memory usage stays stable around 75% but only 3-4% of the CPU is used, sometimes CPU usage goes up, but then it goes down again.
Here is a copy/paste of the python node creating the “blockage”, any idea how to solve this problem ?
Enable Python support and load DesignScript library
import clr
from Autodesk.DesignScript.Geometry import *
The inputs to this node will be stored as a list in the IN variables.
a = IN[0]
b = IN[1]
c = IN[2]
d = IN[3]
e = IN[4]
f = IN[5]
poly =
Sol =
pair =
Place your code below this line
for i, v in enumerate(a):
for z, v4 in enumerate(curves):
poly.append(PolyCurve.ByJoinedCurves(v4, 0.001));
for i in range(len(poly)-1):
pair.insert(i,([poly[i], poly[i+1]]))
OUT = curves, poly,pair
I did not try your suggestion 2. (https://github.com/DynamoDS/Dynamo/wiki/Zero-Touch-Plugin-Development#dispose--using-statement)) yet