Dynamo 0.7 match with Revit 2014?

I installed Dynamo 0.7 with my Revit 2014, but it doesn’t work well. I could create nodes but there is no result after run. Then I install 0.6.3 it doesn’t work at all. I want to know if Dynamo 0.7 can only work in Revit 2015?

Thank you for your time

Dynamo 0.6.3 and 0.7.0 both work with Revit 2014. The daily build for Dynamo can also work with 2015, but it hasn’t been fully tested yet. I don’t know why Dynamo wouldn’t work at all. It sounds like the problem is something else.


I have the same problem, Dynamo works, but I see nothing when I try to connect it. Im trying to make that basic tutorials to get started, from the dynamo main page, but for example with a simple point which i want to see in revit 2014, I noticed that in the tutorial they say to use Reference Point tool, and I have no Reference point tool in my dynamo 0.7 … do you know why my menu is changed?? I noticed for more tools this problem, like Number Sequence also…

Should I put an older version of dynamo?

I put an older version (0.63) and now some tools appeared, but different ones are missing, like Evaluate UV. what is actually wrong with it?


Quite a lot of names for nodes have changed between Dynamo 063 and 070. If you would like to follow the tutorial videos closely that are posted now, it would probably be best to stick with 063. We plan to update the videos to reflect new names and functionality this summer. Before the current branch of Dynamo becomes the “official stable build,” we will do our best to publish a list of translations for node names. Until then, Dynamo 070 and the daily build qualify as the experimental branches, so you run the risk of using software that is out ahead of the documentation.

The other thing to note is that the Dynamo Development team has been working hard to make sure that Dynamo 063 files migrate as best as possible to Dynamo 070. Often, if you you want to see how the implementation of a new functionality has changed, make it in 063, then open it up in 070.

Unless there is something wrong with your installation, you shouldn’t have missing nodes, but the names may be different between versions. Try looking in the categories of the library where you would expect to find something, and you should generally find what you’re looking for.

Hi Colin, I was wondering where I could find that translation list you were talking about, assuming that it has been made.

Hello Cristina Cris and Yuekun Pan,

Is it possible for you to record a small video showing your Library Content and the workflow which you are trying. (Keep the Console open, you can turn on Console from Edit Menu).

You can share Video over drop box and send me link to download.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

