I’m trying to draw rebar shapes using detail lines inside a detailing section view. I’ve been using the “BIM4STRUC.rebar” custom node to get rebar shape, inside Dynamo the rebar shape was show but the “Detailing curve” is returning a null value and when I run the script inside Revit it don’t draw the detailing lines.

Actually the line was been drawing in Revit, but under the actual rebar. Whoever I can’t select the lines, they where displayed in a blue tone similar to a link
@danielfgpontes ,
you need single lines!
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Thank for your answer but even when using single lines it still don’t work:
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@danielfgpontes ,
Are you in a floorplane or section ?
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Hey, I’ve found the problem, my Dynamo version on Revit 2023 just don’t work, i just rebuild the entire thing on Dynamo from Revit 2022 and it worked, whoever the output is a bunch lines and arcs (Since Revit can’t handle polycurves). Is there a way to join the output in a single line inside Revit? Like a polyline/spline? I can group the elements output but every time I run the script again Revit creates a new group, so I think this is not the right approach
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@danielfgpontes ,
firstitem node and restitem node
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If I use the Curve.Join node the output will be a Polycurve, I can’t draw a Polycurve in Revit and it a bit redundant (Curves > Polycurve (Get centerline script) > Explode > Polycurve), what I need is: Curves > Joined detail curves. Following the previous workflow I will return to the first problem: how to draw a polycurve in Revit
@danielfgpontes ,
a real polycurve like AutoCAD does revit not support. You have always lines, and a temporary polycurve via tap-key…
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I’am really curious how softwares like Graitec and Sofitisk can redraw a rebar shape in 2D as a single element, since there is apparent limitation drawing polycurves on Revit.
What I’m trying is similar to this solution:
But that’s seen to be a dead end 
Is it not funny that Revit does not support the most fundamental geometrical entities?
Without robust core functionality not even dynamo or coding helps ones case…
Can you give me the dynamo file via this thread or a message?
Edit: Email removed to protect user.
It is generally not likely to get replies or scripts on old threads.
I would also recommend not putting your email in publicly accessible threads as it will potentially get picked up by AI/spam bots. I’ve removed it for now for you. It’s generally more common to request files via direct message or on the thread itself.