Do we have any nodes like Grid.ByStartPointEndPoint

I wanted to make a floor using CAD as a select element using dynamo.

do we have anything like Floor.ByStartPointEndPoint ? or some thing where we can make floor using CAD by dynamo?


There are multiple floor creation nodes in the library; however a floor cannot be defined by two points - you need to provide a closed loop. What have you tried so far?

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Hi Jacob! can you tell me which node will help me to make floor using CAD file in Dynamo?

There isn’t one node, but this will be of use: Dynamo Dictionary

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Thanks for this. But i wanted to make the floor using CAD linked file. Any suggestion on that?

Use a method to select the cad lines, and form a polycurve.

What have you tried so far? How to get help on the Dynamo forums

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Can you tell me how can i form a poly curve- which nodes will help me?

Search the Dynamo library for PolyCurve, go to that section of the library (the class name is a hyperlink), and look for constructors (green + in the library).

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