Divide face/surface with linear grid for quantification

Hey guys, I’m a bit of a newie so forgive me :wink: I imagine this sort of thing may have been covered before. I want to add lines to specific faces, in this case, it’s ceiling panels. I want to add lines arrayed in one direction along the length of the ceilings, and then I want to be able to quantify the lines.

Does anyone know if something like this has already been done? :thinking:

In the image, you should be able to get an idea of what I’m trying to achieve. I want these yellow lines, and their lengths, but for 100’s of elements :grin:

Hi @Laura.Builder and welcome, you can try something like this:

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Omg thank you so much!

What am I missing or which part isn’t working for this irregular-shaped ceiling? :thinking:

Hello @Laura.Builder - You are missing an intersect of the geometry here :slight_smile:

In particular, this piece:

My graph is as follows, that takes into account your chosen steps. Please note that if you have irregular ceilings (With steps, or cut outs) then it may not properly align and may need manual tweaking or a richer graph.

LauraBuilder_IsocurvesOnSurfaces.dyn (106.7 KB)


Hey Solamour :grin:

So it turns out that tradelie’s methods works correctly for getting the quantities, however, for some reason the lines are not trimming in the viewer as it does in their image.

Your solution also works well, and I was able to get the distances by using parts of tradelie’s answer. However I do not want the lines to be spaced equally to the end of the surface, but instead with a defined spacing, and if there is a smaller gap at the end, there needs to be one more line placed for the final batton.

Also, I am trying to figure out how to get the array to start along the longest edge of the surface, as it would make most sense to have the last batton as the shortest if there needs to be one.

I will keep trying :nerd_face:

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