Hi – I have a seemingly strange occurrence with getting rooms in Dynamo (in version 1.3.1 and just confirmed in 1.3.2). It appears that the list of rooms in my Revit project (2017.2) is not in sync with the list of rooms reported by Dynamo. I’ve attached a screenshot below to illustrate. I’ve checked all of the usual suspects (phase, workset, no unplaced rooms, etc.) and everything seems to be fine on the Revit side.
Has anyone seen this before? Is there any reason certain rooms may not get selected using ‘Categories – Select all elements of a Category’? It also seems very odd that the Dynamo room count is HIGHER than the Revit room count, considering at least one specific room isn’t showing in the list.
Image 1 shows the Revit and Dynamo side by side. The Select Model Element node selected a specific room that is not showing in the Room list. Also note the Dynamo reported number of rooms (295) vs the Revit reported number of rooms (293).
Are all rooms placed? Can you share the Revit file? Or at least the properties pallet for the umselected room?
Yup, all rooms are placed. Here’s a screenshot of the properties for that specific room. Nothing different from any of the other rooms…
OK, so the room element ID issue has been resolved - the selection was actually a group, not a room. User error . However, there is still a discrepancy in number of rooms reported. I even tried adding some unplaced rooms and they do update in Dynamo, but there’s always a difference of 2. Dynamo reports 2 more rooms than Revit. As a test, I did the same thing in the Revit sample file and the numbers are in alignment.
Solved. Revit was reporting ALL of the rooms in the project, including those in Design Options. The Revit room schedule was set to the default ‘Automatic’ Design Option Set, so it didn’t report the rooms from non-primary options. Once I accepted the primary option, the room schedule and the Dynamo output were in sync.
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@johnschippers Good to know, we use design options pretty often at my firm so I’d likely have been a tad confused for a bit at the discrepancy as well! I recommend editing your solution post to elaborate more so it will be a more efficient resource for other users who search this forum to find a solution for similar issues in the future! (i.e. add something like, “Dynamo was reporting more rooms than what appeared in the Revit schedule, because it was reporting all rooms including those that also occurred in design options”)
@awilliams Great point. I updated the solution per your recommendation. Thanks!