Disable Warning Display on DynamoPlayer

Hello, is it possible to desactivate the warning messages under the Dynamo player

In this case, I don’t see how I can avoid using the node at time t
I place families (forms: vertical wall formwork) in the example (3 modules of 240 1 module of 120 “” of 60) to the right of a wall
I know that I am sending bad data (done deliberately to avoid its use), is there another possible trick?
In this configuration I do not need this family instance (very variable, not always this one)
thanks in advance for the suggestions


Yes. Function passing.

Remove the Family Type input from the node, so it does t have enough to execute, so the result is a Function.

Then use a Function.Apply node with the disconnected node in the function state as the function, and the family type as arg1. Do this for each of the nodes and you’ll suppress the warning in all cases.

Note that this will suppress ALL warnings at that node, so look into data validation.

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