Dismissing Dynamo warnings/error in the Dynamo Player

Hi all,

I’m working on some scripts which are supposed to be run by other users in the Dynamo Player. Some of my scripts return Dynamo warnings/errors, which are often or already handled in the script or should be ignored.

I’m aware of the function to dismiss these warning within the dynamo working environment
(Dynamo Core 2.13 Release notes), but this doesn’t seem to work when running these scripts through the Dynamo Player.8 (Using Revit 2024.1.1 and Dynamo 2.18.1)

I’m specifically running into the error ‘Asked to convert non-convertible types’ within the following code block containing and if-statement. Even though the code block is working as intended and I wouldn’t expect any errors.

DSCore.Object.Type(elements) == "Revit.Elements.Grid" ?
	Grid.Curve(elements) :

PS: I know that I can use Function.Apply to suppress errors, which I do often, but that node doesn’t work in combination with my CodeBlock.

Put it in a custom node and deploy that. :slight_smile:

Ah yeah didn’t think about that. Still a bit cumbersome though, a similar functionality which also works (or is remembered) in the Dynamo Player would be great though.

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Yeah - it’s something which the team is aware of, but there are some system things which have to happen first.