Direct sunlight hour analysis

I’ve uploaded some custom nodes in the package manager called ‘BVN’. In there are two nodes to help this issue: SunSettings.TimeZone and SunSettings.GetTimesAndSunDirections.

The OFTB SunSetting.StartDateTime always return the date/time in UTC. This is confusing if you are in another time zone. SunSettings.TimeZone will return the difference which you can then add to TimeSpan.Create to get the true date/time.

And despite having a single day solar day with internal setup, the SunSettings.SunDirection only show the start vector. The SunSettings.GetTimesAndSunDirections returns all vectors. This should make it easier to do sun studies over a given period. Now all I need to do is figure out if its possible to move the sun path in Revit so that it looks correct!









