Detail curve by curve

Hey guys,

I’m trying to place detail lines in a view. I want to place 2 lines. One from left to right and one from top to bottom. The left to right works perfectly but when im trying to put the one from top to bottom it says “curve must be in the plane”.

The starting point is the same so I think its weird that 1 line is in the plane and the other isn’t. Can anyone help me ?

Hard to diagnose this issue without seeing more of your graph and the Revit model. Try building a small model to recreate the issue - you’ll often find the error that way.

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you can try add element set parameter by name after detail curve, select the line style u needed

Hey guys,

Here are some the families and the little test script. Keeps saying that the curve is a normal to view and when I change directions that the curves aren’t in the plane.

Project01PlaceCurves.rvt (1.5 MB)
Family1.rfa (348 KB)
place detail curve.dyn (22.9 KB)