Dear all, I am trying to find a way to identify and subsequently automatically exclude a type of wall (plinth) that is not next to or facing another basic wall (10cm model), as you can see in the image. In other words, exclude only those that are not on the walls.
Does anyone have any ideas on how I could do this? Considering that these skirting boards do not have connections with the walls?
It is great to see you in the community. I hope you can find a solution.
As far as I understand, you want to remove those skirting boards which doesnt have any wall on top of it. If so you can try to collect all walls first and seperate your list into two according wall types. First list contains basic wall the other one contains skirting boards. Transform them into Dynamo geometry using element.geometry and run an intersection using crossproduct lacing operation. if you have a list full of with empty values it means that skirting board is not intersecting with any basic wall. You can use first isEmpty node then alltrue node to obtain a true false list. then you can use ModelicalDynamoPackage Element.Delete node for the walls matching with true data.
I know it is a lots of steps. Hopefully, it will give an idea.
I’m guessing that your walls are set up ‘per room’. If you built these via an automation with another Dynamo graph or otherwise it is likely that there is an easier way to filter these out before you create them. Creating in a ‘clean’ method will always be easier and faster than creating a bunch you just have to delete.