Datum surface from corridor generating irregularly

I wrote a workflow to extract the datum surface from my corridor that i also genereted trough dynamo. The corridor contains multiple baselines, those baselines contain one region with a subassembly that is the same trough the whole project. The bottom depth of the subassembly is generated based on data attached to the baseline.

When done generating the datum surface it seems like the datum codes wont interact with eachother over multiple regions.

Im left with a surface that is 90% correct and the other 10% is generating based on two different datum links. I’ve tried changing multiple settings like overhang correction, but that doesnt seem to have an effect.

Removing either the datum link code or the P2 point code doesnt seem to change anything.

Any ideas?

Well I don’t see the corridor, but seeing this image I assume that the two regions overlap. Civil3D doesn’t know which feature line or link do you want to use at the overlapping area, If that is the case I suggest two approaches:
1 Detailed design of intersections:

  1. Do this in separate corridors and paste surfaces into a new one. Surfaces still must not overlap. Leave a hole at the intersection.
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Thanks for the reply.

The regions do indeed overlap, that is what is causing this issue. Was hoping for a setting i might have missed.

The regions are based on 3000 ish pipe network segments spread over 16 different pipe network systems.

  1. Manualy editing these corners is something i dont want to do, because i have hunderds of other locations this is occuring at, this image i gave as example is a single part form 1 of the total 16 systems.

  2. I suspect civil 3d is not able to paste thousands of intersecting surfaces correctly.

(impression of the intersecting networks)

I am thinking on something like getting the feature line geometry to dynamo, with some dynamo magic detect and handle intersections and trim lines, putting back line geometry to civil and add to surface as breaklines (not sure if possible using ootb nodes)
But not sure how would that work on this scale.

Sorry for spelling I’m on phone

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Thanks for your thoughts and insights. I decided to leave it how it is. Wont be able to solve this in an automated way.

What i am going to do is increase the corridors frequency so that the errors will be smaller.
The errors that remain will be taken care of in the quantity margins.