Data transfer between the same element in separate duplicate models

Hi there,

in a previous post I did find this very usefull script to compare two diverted versions of the same model.

Comparing the same element in separate duplicate models - Revit - Dynamo (

I would like to take it as the start to copy metadata from 1 version to the other.

please Consider this simplified model…

Different geometry and same data seams to be difficult with parameters reporting dimensions, but everything is accounted for.

I made the old model transparent for easy interpretation.

I am familiar with the get/set Parameter values routines, but do not see how to acces the parameter values in the linked (old) model, in order to write them to the corresponding elements in the current model.

I could save the data to a spreadsheet, and copy it with the UID’s.
But it should be doable all at once, no?

Old linked model is the “PreviousversionDocument”

Any thoughts on accessing its data within the graph?

Model Comparison kleine test.dyn (66.3 KB)

new 2.rvt (464 KB)
old.rvt (424 KB)

hey @willem.creffierKCWFB !

One option I can think of is to get elements from the link using one of the “Get Elements Of Category in Link Document” type of nodes that are available (there are some in Archi-Lab and in Data Shapes), then create a dictionary where the value is the element, and the key is the Id or Guid. Then you should be able to get the elements by their Id using the dictionary without having to export things. I hope this makes sense ! :slight_smile:

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Bonjour @Mostafa_El_Ayoubi

merci de prendre le temps de regarder cette défi.

I was a bit disappointed that there are no outs at the Modification Tracker to handle the elements in the current model, but maybe it makes sense not to analyze and change data in the same script.

I follow your advice and it works well.

A part from the fact that only 1 of 2 parameters are set.


I Guess it’s something in the Levels or the Lacing…

Model Comparison kleine test 03.dyn (55.3 KB)