I wanted to know if it was possible to compare an element and it’s properties to a copy of that same (but separate) model but the element now has different property values.
I was thinking of perhaps using excel as sort of the middle man and using it to apply parameter changes based on element ID matches.
Any idea of where I can start?
Assuming the model was ‘save as’ and all elements have been modified but not recreated, they will have matching GUIDs.
This means you can grab the element in model A, pull the GUID, and use that GUID to select the element in model B. Once you have the two objects you can compare any aspect of the object 1 to any aspect of object 2.
This is precisely what I’m trying to do. Just looking for a good place to start.
Although the idea is similar, it’s less that I am trying to compare or even track the changes. I’m instead trying to make changes in Model B based on the changes in Model A using the GUID as a way to match the elements.
Hi @jacob.small @Marcel_Rijsmus
The Nodes from Data-Shapes “ModificationTracker” are really great.
Some elements will not have their representation changed…the one in white.
But I can tel by their UID they are being adressed…
I can think of a way to isolate the parameters I want to transfer, and tie them to the ID’s.
But how can I acces the existing elements in the linked model?
the only output I get are the elements in the current model…
Best to start a new topic and provide your current dyn and a pair of simple rvt files (say 20 elements total) which reproduces the issue so we can have a look - been a LONG time since this thread had any action in it and you’re loosely related. Link back here in the post if it helps outline what you are doing or anything else.