Data-Shapes - Select Model Element Category Filter Preventing Selection


I have a script which is utilising the category filter for the Data-Shapes UI.SelectModelElements node, however, in 2022 it seems that category filter doesn’t allow you to select anything at all in Revit. The same script works in previous versions of Revit and if I remove the category filter from the node, it then allows me to select elements. Any idea what has changed in 2022 that would prevent the category filter from working? Inspecting the python code in the node didn’t help as it appears to match what is shown in the version i have installed for 2020.

Revit 22 is using Dynamo 2.12 & Data-Shapes 2021.2.1 as i can’t upgrade it any further due to needing the same script to work across multiple Revit versions.

I am experiencing the exact same issue, but I can’t find any solution