I’m working on a graph and for me, on my system, it works fine. However, on another users computer, the Data-shapes pop-up only partially shows and will not allow any input to be added.
The graph is to get some sheet parameters out of all the sheets in a project. All the parameters need to be gathered from each sheet and put out into an excel sheet in the proper order in a single row. Then the parameters are input into Vault via the Excel file. Each sheet within the Revit project needs to be done separately, which is where the Data-Shapes node comes in.
The system (computer) in question that is not working is running Revit 2019.2, Dynamo 1.3.4 & Windows 10. The version of Data-Shapes is 2019.2.1
I’m running the same settings on my laptop and have no issues.
I have attached the Graph, I was just testing it on the default “Advanced” Revit sample project
Get_RVT_Metadata_To_Excel_Multi-Sheet_Test.dyn (20.3 KB)
Not sure what the issue might be, as I can’t recreate the issue.