Issue with the MultipleInputForm ++ node from Data-Shapes

I have a DYNAMO file that works fine on Revit 2023.1 with Data-Shapes version 2021.2.6.
I need to upgrade to Revit 2025, but the Data-Shapes nodes no longer work.
I’ve updated the package to the latest version (version 2025.3.118), but I’m getting weird behavior.

I no longer have a complete list of my elements, I can only find one element from the interface, whereas I can see that there are 19 elements available, with overlapping frames too.

Do you know what the issue is and how to fix it?

Thanks in advance for your feedback

Please run you graph in Dynamo and provide an image of your graph that shows the returns from the nodes that are supplying the list of elements being inputted into the Multi Input node. One of those nodes would be where the issue is coming from.

Here’s a snapshot of input.
The 19 items are clearly visible.

Looks like you have too many levels in the list. I recall Datashapes needs no deeper than @L2 for this to work.


The strange thing is that on version 2021.2.6 with Revit 2023, I had the same level of list and it worked.

I’ve flattened my lists and it’s better. Now I just need to understand why the frames overlap.

Thank you @jacob.small !

First guess is that there is a width input or two which are off, but you haven’t posted your canvas as an image so I can only guess.

Here is the canvas:

I believe the overlapping started with Revit 22 or 23. You will have to edit the code of the node to fix that. I am not sure if there is another way to fix that or not.

OK, I see.
In that case I’ll see if I can modify the Python node to correct the issue.
Thank you for your time !