Data shape packages show null in 2025version

Hi guys my dynamo couldnot accept the data shape packages when i execute the script it shows null in multiple input node in data shape packages currently i am using revit 2025 version i used the 2025.3.118 version of data shape packages anyone please resolve the issue

Have you opened up either node to check for issues? Do you have the DynamoIronPython2.7 package installed?

I’m not sure if still the case, but back in the day you used to have to put your inputs through a list.create node for them to be read by ++ (even if just one).

Hey first of all thanks for responding. Did you mean if I installed dyanamoiron python package along with data shape of 2025 version , will solve the issue?

I’m having the same issue!

btw I do have IronPython installed. The nodes were working fine in older version of revit, this happens after upgrading to revit 2025. the error was something like binding issue or something idk exactly what it said.

Make sure you have installed DynamoIronPython2.7 3.2 or more

DynamoIronPython2.7 2.x is not compatible with Revit 2025 (.Net8)


I mean on first glance, your toggle is set to false. That needs to be true to run a Data Shapes UI.


I am having the same issue, and I have Iron python installed.
Does anyone know how to make the UI data shapes nodes work?

Which version of DynamoIronPython2 do you have installed? See the package description and this post: Data shape packages show null in 2025version - #7 by c.poupin

I have same Issue, although i installed Iron Python3 and even tested the nodes outside on canvas

and i am still getting some errors. can someone help with this?
many thanks


try to replace it with

chart1.Dock = getattr(DockStyle, "None")

See here, it’s specific to Python3 syntax. (CPython3, IronPython3, PythonNet3)

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Hi @c.poupin,
you made my day! many thanks for the help.
i went throught the code slowly fixing all these erorrs and now the user interface is working like a charm
yesterday i thought it won’t work! since i am using Data shapes for around 30 scripts
alternativly i made something with wpf in case it didn’t work

Hey @c.poupin

Thanks a lot for your help earlier! The user interface is now working, but I ran into another issue. When I run it, I don’t get any output—just a message saying the user interface was run successfully.

Could it be that I didn’t properly capture the output at the end? Maybe I missed something in the way the data is processed or returned. Do you have any suggestions on what to check?

Appreciate your insights!

#Copyright (c) Data Shapes, (129.4 KB)

Might I recommend a PR on the Datashapes GiHub so that the larger community can benefit from this work?


Hi @jacob.small

Thanks for the suggestion! I’d love to contribute, but I want to make sure my fix is relevant to the broader community. My issue wasi am not able to get the output values while running this nodes after i did all the upgrading to python3. Do you think this would be a useful addition to the repository?

Eventually all of those nodes will have to move to CPython 3 or something else. If not the package won’t work for anyone someday.

As it is a VERY big code base fixes like this have tons of value for the package author, who will decide to accept the PR or not. Even if not entirely integrated they can see the methods you used and take parts here and there and even understand where those fixes can be applied elsewhere. So in the end you are helping them maintain their work which helps the community significantly. :slight_smile:

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Thanks for your insight! I totally agree—migrating to CPython 3 is inevitable, and I can see how valuable it is to contribute these fixes now rather than waiting for things to break completely.

I’ve already committed some changes to get the UI node working, though I’m still troubleshooting the output issue. Even if my PR isn’t fully integrated, I hope it helps the package author identify areas for improvement.

Really appreciate the encouragement—it’s great to be part of a community that actively supports maintaining and improving these tools!

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I got this Replay from the Data-Shapes Author.
and after i did all the installation to use the ironpython2
i am still getting the null whitout running the user interface from this node.
so now it’s not clear what is the reason why it’s not working properly

i hope if someone faced this before can help to asist resolve this issue

many thanks

Hi @Jaber.Rebal

if you really want to migrate to Python3, I recommend using the Ironpython3 or PythonNet3 engines, especially when the code is complex, (both are available via the package manager).

Note: regardless of the python engine chosen, you will still have to deal with the change of framework (net4 to net8)

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