Hi, guys. I have a problem making a script work with Data-shapes.
I need it to return a number for the parameterValue in Element.FilterByParameterValue to change the floor hach. I tried using Data-shapes Slider and TextBox Data, but both did not work. The script works when I use the Number node directly.
It seems to me that he is selecting only one element, and I need the script to test all the floors present in the view.
I’m guessing list levels are the issue here. If you manually feed it a ‘7’ from a code block or number node that’s at a different level than the single item list with a 7 in it that you’re generating from the input form. You’ll have to change @Level of this input in your FilterByParameterValue node. Setting its lacing to longest may also do the trick. If neither of those help, posting the pic again with more of the drop down previews showing might be useful to see where the issue is.