Data-Shapes dialogues repeating after completing the first run


Expanding on this post:

I have a similar issue, the dialogue keeps popping up 3-6 times after the first run (where it ran perfectly as intended), as you can see in the picture below, there is only one ++ input node.

The script is about creating Ceilings from a CAD file, I thought that it might be a binding issue, I read somewhere the i can use “Function.Apply” to flush the binding. i used it, didnt work.

Would really appreciate any input

Hi @NERDASORUS not sure but could it work if you swap list.create with list.join or in 2 run just set toogle to false and run and then set it to true and run

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Try to use Force Re-execute button from TuneUP extension. It runs graph from beginning.

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That actually fixed it!!
may I know what’s the reason? why list join is better than list create?

ill try it multiple times to check it is sorted out.

Also, do you have any way to flush bindings without the need to use monocle, or dynamo player?

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Let’s make sure this is due to Element Binding first off. As per the linked thread, open the .dyn in a text editor, search for the “binding” flag and make sure it’s empty. If not, close all your Revit instances and manually delete the content in that section of the text in your text editor. Then save the file as a new document (keep thr .dyn extension), and see if that causes it to only trigger the UI once.

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yeah as Jacob say :wink: orkestra can do it as well if you will run from that

Yes Sir,
I opened the file using Notepad++, then searched for “Bindings”, this is what i got:

I tried it on another DWG after closing Revit, same issue.

Could be worth noting, im running the script through PyRevit toolbar

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not sure then, does it work if lets say run from player…i guess we now talk element binding or is it the same issue with popping up multiple times ?

Might be a PyRevit issue then. Best to discuss on their forum.

I get this continuously with Python pop-ups in Dynamo.
I don’t get it with them Dynamo Player though.

tried it using Dynamo, same issue.

Still no bindings? Or have they been introduced? Can you try the previous fix, save the graph without running, open it and run and see if there is a double trigger there?

It is rather limitation of Data-Shapes itself, or Python in Dynamo.
We really need some Shift+F5 shortcut to run graph from scratch, it will be handy in many other cases.

TuneUp has this built in; but the indication to me is that the UI is triggered twice on any run. I tried for a bit but have not been able to reproduce the issue. :frowning: