Data-Shapes on Revit 2023?

It’s not working. I tried upgrading the Python in the nodes to 3, but still no results. I tried all those Data nodes with no success.

Am I doing something wrong?

Use ironpython 2.7 custom package to support packages in 2023. Most python nodes wont work simply by upgraring to python3, especially if they are complex like data shapes’ are.

Which version of 2.7? I already have one version.

Just do what the red X tells me?

Generally ive used the earlier one.

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I installed the older Python, then deleted the Data-Shapes package. Re-installed Data-Shapes (after restarting Revit) and put the nodes back in and it worked.

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Same error, the package isn’t working in 2023 version of revit and 2.13.1 version of dynamo. But I do have DynamoIronPython2.7 installed.

This is the error it throws for any string/var input given in ParameterValue

It might come down to a typo in the parameter name, or how that node is built. If you have the package installed for IP2.7 then any node should function as intended. Maybe the node is old and hasn’t been developed to handle changes in API, hard to say…

I’m having the same issue in Dynamo for Revit 2023 but with multiple other node packages as well. Data-shapes, archi-lab, Genius Loci, Crumple (Gavin), and a lot of others. I’ve uninstalled the node packages and Iron Python 2.7, restarted, reinstalled iron python 2.7, restarted, installed other node packages, restarted. I’ve tried changing the python engine and updating the python scripts in some nodes. Still, none of them work. I’m currently at AU 2023 and will bring up how inconvenient this is directly to the Autodesk Dynamo team that’s here. I also plan on asking some other people at the convention if they have any solutions and will reply back here if I find anything.