R2025 Data-Shapes UI / MultipleInputForm ++ problem

Hi. Having begun to prepare our office’s graphs for R2025, I’ve noticed that the Data-Shapes UI nodes are returning nulls. I have updated Revit / Dynamo and packages as per the recommendations on the discussion:

Dynamo Package Management

What am I missing?

Hi Scott,

It would be helpful if you can check the python script inside the custom package node to see if the Python engine is set to CPython3 or IronPython. It should be CPython3.

The package manager references CPython3 and IronPython2. I have the latter package installed, and understand that CPython3 is built-in.

I’m not sure how to:

Please advise.

Depending on which version you’re in, it might be CPython or IronPython, and we’d also need to know which version of IronPyton you’ve got installed… there is no one size fits all version and for managing your environments, never has been really people just kept kicking the can on updates.

To get to the root cause, follow the instructions from @emrullah.yildiz, but here are some more detailed instructions.

  1. Double click on the TextBox node to edit it
  2. Find the embedded Python node and copy it to clipboard
  3. Close the custom node
  4. Paste the Python node back to your active workspace
  5. Review the error that the Python may show.

This this will expose the root cause of the issue rather than keeping it hidden within the custom node.

I have DynamoIronPython2.7 and DynamoIronPython3 installed.

The error returned after following your instructions is:

Node Name: Python Script
Original Node Name: Python Script
Package: Core.Scripting
Dynamo Version:
Host: Dynamo Revit
Messages: PythonEvaluator.Evaluate operation failed.
Could not load type ‘System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingServices’ from assembly ‘mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089’.
State: Warning

Can you send a screenshot showing that?

You’re using the old version of IronPython which isn’t supported for Revit 2025.

Uninstall DynamoIronPython2.7 version 2.5, and install DynamoIronPython2.7 version 3.2.1.


Perfect, everything seems to be working now. Thanks very much for your help. I see the problem was my not following the instructions provided.

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Thank you for the support and explanation, @jacob.small!

Glad to hear that it is working now!

Not really on you.

The problem is that there is no user facing documentation on which version of a package works for each version of Dynamo. I know the team is working on some updates to make that better (which is good), but we need modified descriptions before then and to support older builds. Currently a user in Dynamo 2.12 (which is the oldest supported build right now) who hears 'install DynamoIronPython2.7 from the package manager will install the 3.1.2 version 99 out of 100 times. :frowning:

Now you’re in the opposite camp, working in the newer build and trying to upgrade what is in the older and our workspace references tools has told you that you are missing a package version that doesn’t work but workspace references doesn’t know that IronPython2.7 verson 2.5 doesn’t work in Dynamo 3+, and so you’re also getting hit.

I’m pushing for a better state for everyone, not just users who come in in 2025, but sadly it’s going to take awhile.