My firm uses a Citrix virtual environment to connect to projects around the globe. We are running multiple versions of Revit, MS Office 2016, among many other applications in a Windows 10 environment. We have run across an issue trying to use Excel nodes in Dynamo. I have a very simple script utilizing the Data.ImportExcel node but I receive the ‘Warning: Data.ImportExcel operation failed.’. Nodes for writing to Excel don’t work as well. My only hunch is that the node is trying to make a connection to Excel but doesn’t see it for some reason. We tried looking at the registry keys and they appear to be correct. Any ideas on what to try next? Thanks.
Have you seen these topics ?
What is the actual version of excel (Including 32 or 64 bit)?
If all else fails, you can give the ExcelReader package a go. It uses an external library to directly read excel’s binary XML format.
32 bit. But my local install is 32 bit and works there as well. I’m having our IT look at some missing key info (instead of extra keys as many of the posts refer to) to see if that resolves the problem.
I did try ExcelFile.Read and that does work. I’m glad you explained that, I was thinking it was something along those lines. But I didn’t see an ExcelFile.Write node to use. Thanks.
No Excel.Write and that’s kind of on purpose
My reasoning is that it’s closed binary formats like xls that got us into this mess in the first place, so we should try to do everything possible we can to avoid them.
So I’d recommend you try wriing your data in csv files instead and if that doesn’t work out, have a look at the great EPPlus library that I used for the excel.read node:
Understood. I actually use EPPlus in some of my own addins. Thanks.
We’ve taken a look at editing and removing the registry keys and still not working.
@Michael_Coffey this feels like a Citrix issue. No idea how I could test it myself. Can you confirm all programs are installed on the same system (not Revit/Dynamo off Citrix and Excel off your C drive)?
@jacob.small Excel is definitely installed in the citrix environment as I can see the Registry keys there. You can also log into the Citrix environment from your iPad and see all the same programs as well. My only thought now is to try to use the EPPlus library to create my own Excel.Write node.
Did you solve the problem? Please share if it has been solved.
I’ve had the same Issue that you all, and I did the same solution. Import CSV.
The problem is when you want to export…
Sama eissue, Warning: “Data.ImportExcel operation failed”. Tried saving prev versions of excel file, renaming, new file locations, shutdown & restart…
This was working not 24 hours ago. Why?!?!?!
Since that time, I had installed NWC Exporter for Revit 2022 and Navisworks Manage 2022; those are the only changes to my machine since this stopped working.
Had the same issue.Try to do a Office Quick repair, that did the trick for me.
Not working in Citrix here, just plain old Windows 10 Enterprise Version 1909 OS build 18363.1316.
Excel is part of Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise, Version 2008 (Build 13127.21216 Click-to-Run).
Running Dynamo through Revit 2020, Dynamo Core & Dynamo Revit The About Dynamo dialog says it is up to date.
Trying to use Data.ImportExcel node, in a graph that has been run many, many times successfully in the past. I keep getting an error on the node:
Warning: Data.ImportExcel operation failed. Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A03EC
I have removed the downstream nodes to focus on just the reading from Excel, and I still get the error. I ran the Quick Repair on Mircrosoft 365 Apps for enterprise, as was suggested, with no change in function. I closed Revit/Dynamo and then reopened them, with no change.
All the graph does is read the names of Worksets to be created from an Excel sheet and then create them. I have since manually generated the list and run it through the Python node that does that, but I would like to be able to read data from Excel files, both to use this graph in the future and for other graphs. The goal is to allow end users to set up the data input in the comfortable-to-them Excel environment, rather than the scary-to-them Dynamo environment. Or, in the case of the Workset creation graph, to easily set up multiple data sources (each discipline has their own Workset needs and a separate worksheet in the Excel file) and then read in the desired one.
Any additional suggestions for troubleshooting this will be appreciated highly.
Check to see if task manager is showing multiple excel instances running concurrently. If so close all things excel, ending any hanging instances of excel via the end process tree option in the right click menu of the details tab.
Also make sure the file is saved to the local disc and not a network or cloud service.
Thanks so much for your reply.
I usually do have several Excel files open during my normal work day; I had closed them all prior to running the quick repair, and did not have any open on subsequent testing. The Excel file is on a network drive, but has worked just fine from there in the past.
I did try this again, closing Excel, making sure there were no rogue running versions in Task Manager, and still got the error. I copied the Excel file to my local hard drive and tried again (after verifying there were no running instances), and still got the error.
It is getting late here, and this problem will need to wait until tomorrow for further action. A reboot of my computer (which I do every night) may also help the situation. Or so I hope.
PS: I am really enjoying the Dynamo Community Conversations. My day-to-day activities do not allow me to spend as much time in Dynamo as I would prefer; the Conversations give me an opportunity to indulge at least every other week.
Glad to hear.
We have what may prove to be a really useful one coming up next week. We’re also always up for ideas on new topics or more in depth questions. Be sure to reach out by the form if anything comes to mind.
Tried this again today on my work computer, after a reboot, and still no joy. Rebuilt the graph from scratch in Revit 2021 (Dynamo 2.6.1) and still got the same error. Excel opens, but it does not go to the referenced sheet or read any data.
Tried again tonight on my home computer, Revit 2022/Dynamo 2.10.1. Have not got around to setting up any packages on this version, but all of the nodes I was using were from Dynamo, so that was not an issue. Works fine at home. Slightly different version of Excel - Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2016, Version 2016 (Build 14131.20320). Looks like there are updates to install, but no time for that tonight.
So “we” must have done something at work that is breaking the Data.ImportExcel node’s ability to read data out of Excel. I have noticed that my old Excel Macro file (Personal.xlsb) that used to open every time I started Excel no longer opens, and I thought I saw some warning message stating that my company had disabled Excel macros. Perhaps that is the cause. I will have to enquire about that on Monday.