I have exported data out from revit to excel however i would like the data to be in a columns format in excel and not rows i have attached the dyn graph in here if anyone could point me in the right direct please that would be great. 170071-WDK-XX-XX-XX- Room Data Sheet SAMPLE.dyn (26.1 KB) Testing 1 Excel to Revit SAMPLE.xlsx (156.1 KB)
yes but its not actually working so some reason i would ideally want parameter names in one column and values on the other i have added list transpose node on the end of the script before exporting it to excel but it showing as rows and its very confusing
Can you show screenshots of what you’ve tried / where you suspect it fails This will help your dynamo knowledge increase, rather than just getting an answer served on a platter
Hi @Jonathan.Olesen after applying that change i have lost the values from the parameters in the code block i have been able to get the parameters in a column however i have now lost the values as its not connected to the element.getparametervaluebyname
is there a node that allows me to still get the values instead of putting them into a code block for example
You do have an issue with the names that you’re assigning to your sheets (you’re creating 83 sheets with the same content but names corresponding to your room names).