Custom package made with pkg.json not visible in add-ons

If I am reading this correctly - you are changing the file extension of a .dyn to .dyf ? This will not create a proper custom node.

The only way to create a .dyf custom node is to use the create custom node process within Dynamo UI. (without using the Dynamo API of course)

The node you sent me loads fine - so I assume you created this one within the UI.

No I did not change any extensions. Just referred to making a .dyf node directly from .dyn workspace(selecting some elements and packing them as a custom node) as opposed to going through File > New > New custom node to create a .dyf file separately.

So I’ve deleted all the jemsnodes directories from /packages, and just pasted these into /definitions


so actually problem persists, because my Add-ons sidebar shows only GH_Section, GetWorksets which were created directly from workspace, but then GetLevels.dyf isn’t visible - this is the one I created by iterating over GetWorksets.dyf and saving it under different name