I am experimenting a bit with creating my own node packages on my local machine, and I am getting into more questions than answers.

1-How do you add “sub-folders” to a package?
2-How do you add a “sub-category” to a “sub-folder”?
3-How do you add colors on the lines?
4-How do you add the symbols?
5-How do I change the icon?
Where can I access the lines that you have displayed? I am not sure where to even look for them…
This is my first attempt at trying to organize my scripts with packages.
I had tagged them with ArchiLab and Rhythm because that is what I was using to open the files and learn how the masters did them. But no luck 
Makes sense, I will be more mindful of my tags in future posts. I have already removed the tags from this post.
I am familiar with what a .dyf file is, I enjoy writing my own scripts. I definitely am not in it to shoplift any other persons hard work. Most of my scripts revolve around project setup and view creating/view template assigning. (this is one of my favorite scripts for creating views, associating a view template and renaming the view names & title on sheet)
I usually use package nodes, and have only written very basic python codes. This experiment of trying my own Package has definitely moved me into deep waters, that much is clear. But I have a file of about 15 of my own scripts that I want to make more accessible for my team, and putting together a package seemed like the next step!
Regarding the fifth item on your list (node icons), have a look at this article:
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Yes! I was calling the file by the wrong extension, my apologies.
We have experimented with the Dynamo Player, but never fully implemented it.
Thanks! I will adventure into those much deeper waters at a later point
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