Curse of overdimension in Generative Design

By following several AU sessions, I frequently saw references to “the curse of overdimension”.
They let “Refinery” work step by step (from Refery to Dynamo and back to Refinery).

But how do you do this with Generative Design in Revit? This because you do not have a button “Open in Dynamo”. You can only click on “Create Revit Elements”.

So is it still possible to return results from Generative Design directly to Dynamo?

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Source date:
From Design Automation to Generative Design in AEC
Geonius_Generative Design schemes_Curse of overdimension.pdf (442.5 KB)

Thanks in advance.

Launch the graph and then generative design in Dynamo Sandbox instead of via the add-in.