Cross Vault on quad surface

Hello Dynamates !

I’m trying to build a series of cross vaults hosted on a surface reordered into quads. So I want to use a custom node (similar to using an adaptive component) on a for the moment flat surface, but certainly the custom node should perform correctly on all sorts of shapes. Yet for the moment I don’t get it to work in the simplest way …
for the moment the dyf node looks like this (i haven’t drawn all the arcs and in its final stage there should also be a “woven” truss inbetween the arcs)
I am struggling how to link the quad node with my 4 point cross vault node, I tried to refilter by the different position points [0], [1],…[4] but it didn’t work.
Maybe it’s easier to create one input of four points (how ?) in the custom node which is then directly plugged into the squad node ?
Any helping hints would be highly appreciated!

PhilippCrossVault_4P.dyf (65.9 KB)