Creation of doors

Translated by moderator. See below the line for original post.

Good afternoon, I’m new to dynamo. I wanted to know, do you think there is a script in dynamo that positions the doors by selecting only the face of the wall?

Original post below

Buon pomeriggio, sono nuovo di dynamo. volevo sapere secondo voi c’è uno script in dynamo che posiziona le porte selezionando solo la faccia del muro?

Forumspråket är engelska för att göra allt sökbart. Använd en översättningsfunktion i din webbläsare.

The forum language is english to make possible to search and manage the posts.
Please use a translator in your browser if you not familiar with english.

Welcome to the forum @Jack22.

I edited your post to be English. Sadly this is a limitation at the moment for us to have a functional search. Otherwise I’d be practicing my Swedish with Patrick. :slight_smile:

Also, please refrain from duplicating posts, it makes it harder for you and the community as you can have conflicting guidance in the two disconnected threads. Since the post linked below has some replies, I am going to close this topic and hide it (to make search better for the next user). The other thread already has some good guidance - be sure to run through the entirety of the primer, from end to end, skipping nothing as the concepts are the important bit, not the outcomes.