Automatic doors in revit

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Good afternoon, I’m new to dynamo, I wanted to ask, do you think there is a script in dynamo that automatically inserts a door when selecting a wall?

Original post below.

Buon pomeriggio, sono nuovo di dynamo, volevo chiedere secondo voi c’è uno script in dynamo che selezionando una parete inserisce una porta in automatico?

You could write that script.

But where on the wall would the door be placed? Right in the middle? 100mm from the end?

The forum language is English.

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I should position it at a distance that I establish but I really don’t know how to do it, thanks

Something like this:

Use a select node in Revit to select the wall.
Then get the wall end points.
Use point at parameter to work out how far along the wall you want the door.
Then place family.

That chapter in the Dynamo Primer is good if you’re a beginner. :slight_smile:

Couldn’t I use the select face node and selecting the face of the wall generates the door?

Uploading: Screenshot 2024-02-28 143650.png…
I used the select wall element node to select the wall section I am interested in, associated the family however now I don’t know if it is correct to use family instance by face or not. what parameter do you mean should I use when you suggest “Use point at parameter to work out how far along the wall you want the door
Then place family”?
thank you very much

try this one here from spring…and see if it could work for you…



thank you very much

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