Creating wall finishing with room height and room boundary

arhh allright its a real wall it generate

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And I can get the geometry of the wall.
Now I am stucked on the offset node. Which node should I use to offset the geometry?
Thank you.

Hi @aecbcp2 I dont know that node from modellical and dont use that packageā€¦but here is an quick idea with ootb and directshape, but could easy be a wall by face or wall by profile if you need a real wall elementā€¦it just a fast way and can definitly be optimizedā€¦good luck
Home.dyn (201.5 KB)


Thank you sir it is exactly what I am looking for!!
However I do not have the Node"Rooms by status". What is the name of this package? Thanks so much!!

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Its a ootb think it first comes with 2022 if i remeber rightā€¦if you are in an older version then use "categori " and ā€œall element of categoriā€ but be sure you dont have unplaced rooms and not valid roomsā€¦for filter out that in older version then try Clockwork or Datashapes roomstate nodes