Creating Shared Parameters by Categories

Hi there,
I aim to create Shared Parameters by different Categories through an excel matrix input file. However, I get the below screenshot error from time to time. The confusing part is the script sometimes runs smoothly with perfect results, sometimes not, comes with below ss warning, some random parameters missing and creates separate temporary shared parameter files.
I need help figuring out where the problem occurs.

Matrix Input:

Overall Script Interface:

Error Message:

Additional temporary Shared Parameters;

Files I am working on:
GEN-Delete Shared Parameters_v01.dyn (13.0 KB) (to delete created parameters)
GEN-Parameters Creation for Selected Categories_v01.dyn (27.2 KB)
Input.xlsx (40.5 KB) (matrix table in it)
SharedParameters.txt (11.8 KB)

You mentioned you want to create Shared Parameters, but you’re using the project parameters node.
Is that on purpose?
If I’m not mistaken the project parameters node creates a temporary shared parameters file to create the parameter and then removes it, so the parameter stays in the project but wouldn’t be in your shared parameters file

Actually, in the initial stage, I tried to use Parameter.CreateSharedParameter node, but it just creates parameters in the .txt file, not in the model. Then, I went for Parameter.CreateProjectParameter, it seemed to serve the purpose.

yes, you need to add it later
in Data-Shapes and Orchid there are nodes to add Parameters from the shared parameter file and there is a node in Genius Loci that creates AND adds the parameter to the project, however I’m not sure what does it do if a parameter with the same name already exists.