at the moment I’m using the Node Springs.FloorOpening.ByCurves from @Dimitar_Venkov’s package springs in open02.dyn (11.1 KB) by selecting all of the floors and selecting an imported dwg-file containing the geometries for the openings in order to make openings in the floors.
I create the floors using Creation-05.dyn (3.4 KB) getting their geomteries from the imported DWG-file in Revit: floors.dwg (36.1 KB)
Then I import SH.dwg (28.0 KB) in order to make openings.
But it somehow doesn’t work correctly. The node Springs.FloorOpening.ByCurves creates the openings, but they are not at the right place, the hosting also doesn’t work in my opinion. Would you please take a look at it. Am I missing something?
I would be very thankful.