Creating Filled region


I’m trying to just create a filled region with one circle. I need to mark one node in my plan and wanted to do it like this, but it seems like a circle is not allowed to use as the curve for the filled region? Does someone know how I need to change the circle so it works for the filled region?


Hello @klara.steinMZ7FJ …try convert your circle to polycurve…poly curve by joined curves…

Thank you, but it did not work, I got a different warning now.

Try someting could probably work…

@sovitek gave you a solution but the reason is because a boundary is represented by boundary curves. There must be more than one. Even a list of a singular enclosed curve does not work.

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Yeps Nick thats why :wink:

@klara.steinMZ7FJ dont think you need joincurves…

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this one worked, thank you!!

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