Creating Alignment in Revit Generic Adaptive from extracted Civil 3D alignment points

Hi there,
My name is Rod,

I would like to request for your collaboration to come up with the solution.

I have an alignment that I created in Civil 3D.
I would like to bring it in Revit to work with some component. Using that Alignment as a reference path.

How can I create the exact alignment from Civil 3D data to Revit. Including its elevation.

It is possible to use the Generic Adaptive. But I would like to know from brilliant minds herein on how we can approach this in a awesome way.


Hi @Rod.D.Lecetivo,

Have you taken a look at the CivilConnection package for Revit?

Zachri Jensen,

Hi, I thank you for your response. I will look into it. Thank you very much for your advise.

Hi, @zachri.jensen

I looked into it. is there a way you can guide me on how to make one out of the civilconnection.

I very much appreciate your kindness.

Take a look at the documentation here and see if it helps.

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I was overwhelmed with the idea and information. Need to catch up.
I found a solution.
Connecting Civil 3D to Revit.