Hi everyone,
I’m making wall from CAD file, and i saw the topic as below.
But CAD.CurvesFromCAD Layers doesn’t running.
I tried 2 way as pictures.
Please help me…
Hi @Ke2king,
You’re probably not running the graph with an english version of Revit.
This bimorph node only works with Revit in english.
Change your version to verify if it solves your issue.
Hi, @Alban_de_Chasteigner,
Thank you for your help.
It’s running.
Thank you a lot!!!
Good day, i created walls from CAD files in dynamo but all the created walls comes as double walls attached together. How can i make the mid point reference to create a single wall not double walls attached from the middle. Below is a photo of the issue.
Hi @khaliboay and welcome to the forum, think its best if you create a new topic as this one here is alreaydy solved and 5 years old… and try share all files [dyn,cad,revit], you can use webtransfer filetransfer etc and just share the link here…then you just have better luck with help…thanks
This is not solved for me, can direct me to solution?
Hi @David125 ,
The video below will give you an idea about creating walls from CAD.
Thanks for the info, I tried this one, it got really close. Like the example on YouTube it converted all the walls that lined up in one direction the made a small adjustment and then it worked for creater. I contacted the content creater and made the adjustment they made, mine still did not work.
Hi @David125,
Could you please upload the .dyn and Revit files you’ve been working on? Alternatively, you can share an image of your Dynamo workspace with all node previews visible so we can see what’s going on.
Hello sjafarali75,
This what I have so far. I’ve also attached cad file. I followed the video as much as possible (I could not read language on the dialog boxes). I’m on Revit 2022 (client insists on it) and I’m using imperial units, the units used by Revit in the video are metric. As in the video, when I first ran it only walls along one orientation were converted. Someone suggested I change the setting on the last node, Lacing to shortest.
Create walls from cad link.dyn (74.6 KB)
test walls.dwg (39.3 KB)
Hi @David125 ,
I’ve updated the script and added some nodes and input values. Please review the connections between nodes, especially when copying from videos or other sources.
Create walls from cad link(updated).dyn (122.0 KB)
In the attached image, there was an incorrect connection which resulted in the wall creation only occurring in one direction. Additionally, please ensure that the longest lacing is set to the last node.
I was so close, yet so far. Thank you very much, it works as published!