This is a topic that has been posted on before, but I from my perusing, it seems the examples tend to be simpler (i.e. less complexity in the linework of the associated CAD file). I am going to use this topic as a thread where hopefully I achieve a complete solution based on my objectives.
I would like to semi-automate the creation of revit walls from our facilities’ CAD plans. A coworker of mine managed to make a script that turns lines from certain layers into very thin (0.25") walls. From a printing perspective, this works great, but at the modeling level, creates some problems (think placement of doors, room, manipulation of walls, etc.).
I worked for some time to create a manually run Dynamo Player script that allows you to select two walls and create a wall between the two lines. In addition, I wrote/placed some code that determines if the wall to be created already exists (1/8" precision) or needs to be created. I then automated the creation of a generic wall type (1/8" precision) with some nice rounding involved, to then use for that wall type. I think that part works well. Although I am having some problems finding and using the centerline. I am intending to spend more time, when I get it, to figure that out.
I am attaching the dynamo script that does the manual conversion of walls. I am also attaching a trimmed down inside part of an example building, that I will use to run the code on. I think I would like to have all of this contained in one Dynamo code script.
I am posting this as well to look for feedback and guidance.
Draw Center Wall and Delete Existing - 3.dyn (203.0 KB)
0062-1ST_Test_File.dwg (404.0 KB)