I updated DanEDU to version 2018-115.0, and now the set formula node works like a charm, BUT the FamilyDocument.CreateSharedParameter node doesn’t work as before. Specifically I have a list of 7 parameters that I create but it puts everything into the first parameter group in the list.
I have package 2018.115.0 installed. It’s not a huge deal because I just split them into two loops in another script, but was just curious why it wasn’t going to the correct parameter Group.
I just tried changing the lacing to longest and now everything works fine. It must have been because my input lists were different lengths.It would read all my parameters, but for the parameter group it would only read the first item. Same thing when I tried using the SetFormulabyName node.
Now, since I solved my own question, do I get credit for that or is that cheating?
@tvaughn i tried to download the Orchid package, but it referred me to github website and asked me to download and exe file. I am on company computer, I cant install external exe file. Is there a way to go around this ? please help, Thanks!
@Jonathan.Olesen sorry I am new with all this and a bit slow. You mean copy this? i tried to copy all this in codeblock or pythonscript node in Dynamo but it doesn’t work. Also tried to right clicked on that dyn file and save as. Dynamo just couldnt open the file.