Create Schedule suddenly not working

can someone explain this error message to me? It worked for years. All of a sudden this message appears

Revit version?


Can you copy the error message? I don’t speak… I think that’s German?.. so It’s hard to know what the error actually is but I’m guessing it’s complaining about an input type, just can’t tell which.

Node Name: ScheduleView.CreateSchedule
Package: Revit.Views.ScheduleView.Create
Dynamo Version:
Host: Dynamo Revit
Messages: ScheduleView.CreateSchedule fehlgeschlagen.
Wert darf nicht Null sein.
Parametername: Bereitgestellter Bauteillistentyp wird nicht unterstĂĽtzt. href-ArgumentNullException.html
State: Warning

in english:
Node Name: ScheduleView.CreateSchedule
Package: Revit.Views.ScheduleView.Create
Dynamo Version:
Host: Dynamo Revit
Messages: ScheduleView.CreateSchedule failed.
Value cannot be null.
Parameter Name: Provided schedule type is not supported. href-ArgumentNullException.html
State: Warning

Value cannot be null. this is the issue i think. check the inputs and clear null values.

there are no null values, at least i dont see them:

That interesting! Could you please display the full graph along with a preview?

ok, how? the full graph is huge. What do you mean with “with a preview”?

Hi @Claudio.Best not sure at all have you tried crap the categori with categori ID and feed in…

like this?

Hi not sure that the issue…but tra as here

This just fails for me whatever I input.

Perhaps raise it on Github?

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That also fails for me…

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hmmm… even when the get the categori from id ? yeah i cant try as im not on german launguege and even know what analytiche knoten means :wink:

i think it means Analytical nodes in english

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thanks…yeah guess raise an issue on the github as Mark mention…

can anybody from you do that? i dont use github…

I’ve raised it for you; in the meantime you’ll have to look into custom code as an alternative.

Edit The issue is here: ScheduleView.CreateSchedule failing · Issue #3099 · DynamoDS/DynamoRevit · GitHub


can you help me with a custom code?