can someone explain this error message to me? It worked for years. All of a sudden this message appears
Revit version?
Can you copy the error message? I don’t speak… I think that’s German?.. so It’s hard to know what the error actually is but I’m guessing it’s complaining about an input type, just can’t tell which.
Node Name: ScheduleView.CreateSchedule
Package: Revit.Views.ScheduleView.Create
Dynamo Version:
Host: Dynamo Revit
Messages: ScheduleView.CreateSchedule fehlgeschlagen.
Wert darf nicht Null sein.
Parametername: Bereitgestellter Bauteillistentyp wird nicht unterstĂĽtzt. href-ArgumentNullException.html
State: Warning
in english:
Node Name: ScheduleView.CreateSchedule
Package: Revit.Views.ScheduleView.Create
Dynamo Version:
Host: Dynamo Revit
Messages: ScheduleView.CreateSchedule failed.
Value cannot be null.
Parameter Name: Provided schedule type is not supported. href-ArgumentNullException.html
State: Warning
Value cannot be null. this is the issue i think. check the inputs and clear null values.
That interesting! Could you please display the full graph along with a preview?
ok, how? the full graph is huge. What do you mean with “with a preview”?
Hi @Claudio.Best not sure at all have you tried crap the categori with categori ID and feed in…
hmmm… even when the get the categori from id ? yeah i cant try as im not on german launguege and even know what analytiche knoten means
i think it means Analytical nodes in english
thanks…yeah guess raise an issue on the github as Mark mention…
can anybody from you do that? i dont use github…
I’ve raised it for you; in the meantime you’ll have to look into custom code as an alternative.
Edit The issue is here: ScheduleView.CreateSchedule failing · Issue #3099 · DynamoDS/DynamoRevit · GitHub
can you help me with a custom code?