Create project parameter node not working

I’m trying to add a shared parameter as a project parameter - and I can’t see why it’s not working. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

You might have to use the Select Parameter Type node


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Hi @cjg63C47,

Are you sure the “_Egan” parameter is a text parameter?

Also, the parameter group will probably fail you aswell, since its looking for the string representation of the BuiltInParameterGroup. I don’t think this is very logical for new users (forgive me for the assumption), but a way to get around it, is to use a node like the ParameterGroup list from the Data-Shapes package, which will give you a list with all the BuiltInParameterGroups:


“_Egan” is the name of the group in my shared parameter file, so this is correct.

The solution is that I wan’t using the right name for BuiltInParameterGroup. I have now used “PG_TEXT” and it works! This is certainly not intuitive for a new Dynamo user like me. I never would have figured it out on my own. I have much to learn.

Thank you!

MartinSpence alluded to this as well. Problem solved. Thank you!