Create Project Parameter from Shared Parameter

is Jeremy saying every parameter bought into the project is a shared parameter by definition?

New parameters can only be created as shared parameters

Which is what Erik was saying…

That’s from 2008… @Jeremy_Tammik has anything changed? :slight_smile: (My guess would be No!)


Edit This is 2016… Re: Key schedule add parameter - Autodesk Community


My guess is no, too. Happy New Year!



thank you for your appreciation!

Hi Erik

It’s getting really interesting now!
What i miss is the check with shared parameter file to keep only those parameters.
I guess it can be done with OOTB nodes, but it would clarify the process for others too.
Good job!
Do you have nodes which can give me a decisive answer whether the parameter originates from the project or a family?

Hi @erfajo

I ran this on a new project started by choosing none when it ask me for the project-template.
Can you explain?

I use Element.Name+ beacause someone made it to use a bigger scope getting names. so my initial thought was why not use the bigger scope.
Maybe @jacob.small can shed some light on what these parameters are/do, cleaning up my models i need to know what can be deleted
can’t seem to find them in here. further exploring needed, im on it, want to know @Luke_Johnson, @Jeremy_Tammik
btw @erfajo deleting a parameter by name is ok, but deleting a parameter by GUID is better i think, it will force you to know exactly what you are doing

You help a lot of people out in difficult situations.
I like it

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I just had this thought:
What if i could make those “loose” shared parameters into Shared Project Parameters with the categories still attached (no data loss). I can them delete them and investigate further if needed. But now i have control from the UI.

Hii, thanks a lot for everything you have done for us! I have a question, the Parameter.AddPprojectParameter node, still adds shared parameter for some reason?