Create Floor Finishes - Using Data Shapes Selection

Hi, I have a script that creates floor finishes based on room’s “Floor Finish” parameter, so it’ll model the floor with a match type mark.

For start I used the node “Select Model Elements By Category” to select all the rooms that I wanted to create the floor finishes. But now I want to use the Data Shapes node “MultipleInputForm++” node as I create a custom pyrevit button to run this script. I can see that I have the room on my input but does not work, and does not give me any error. So not sure why is not working.

Any idea?

I can select the rooms, but I don’t know why it does not create the floor finishes, I

Hard to know without seeing the error, but my guess is that you have an extra level in your list now. Remove the extra structure from the list by swapping the code block room; for a List.Flatten and see if that fixes it.

As a tip: when adding a custom UI I always recommend leaving the old method on screen and comparing data and structure between the ‘working’ code and the UI.

Thanks, just had to flatten the list and it worked

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