Create Ceilings by Rooms and their parameters

hi, im working on a graph to create ceilings based on rooms and their finishes. but some how the end result is null.

i want each ceiling type to follow the ceiling finish of each room. what am i doing wrong? thank,

Can’t see the names of the nodes to know which one you are using to create the ceiling with. If you are using Ceiling.ByOutlineTypeAndLevel, then you will need to input the level and not the level name.

this is what im using

Okay. Then use the Level.ByName node in between the get parameter by name and the ceiling.byoutline node.

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i managed to get it done this way. thanks,

my issue is how to get the ceiling finish from the room and use proper ceiling type accordingly, act, gwb etc…

Similar concept with getting the level. Use this code block after the node that is pulling the Ceiling Finish parameter value.

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thank you sir!

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final graph, the error at the end is regarding the rooms that have no ceiling finish and are exposed.

thanks again

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Btw, the boundaryLocation input accepts a string also. I really don’t like using the selection pulldowns in any of my graphs, if I can help it.

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