i try to create a devided path on an edge or modelline in Revit.
I use Revit 2019 and Dynamo 1.3.
But i get the same error for both:
Error: “The document does not allow creation of a divided path.”
Any idea whats wrong?
Thx for help.
i try to create a devided path on an edge or modelline in Revit.
I use Revit 2019 and Dynamo 1.3.
But i get the same error for both:
Error: “The document does not allow creation of a divided path.”
Try using this node. For parameter, you’ll use a sequence such as “0…1…#4” #4 means the number of times you wish to divide the curve. 0…1 means the start and end point of the curve. Hope this helps!
You cannot create a Divided Path in a Project Document
It will work if you have a Conceptual Massing family file (.rfa) as the base.
Thank you Vikram,
than this error message makes sense:)