Create cuboid from outer extents of Geometry

Hi there @Vikram_Subbaiah,
Is there a way to do this in dynamo 1.3.4? It doesnt seem to take definitions. Please see below. This node would be a HUGE help for me, thanks!

What is the error?
Definitions have always been part of Design script, there is no way they aren’t supported :slight_smile:
However there could have been changes in the syntax that is causing trouble.
Not sure what it might be, try putting in = after return

it doesnt really say.

I tried updating the bounding box but I am not sure if it is right or not:

please advise.

You seem to have resolved the issue, so it’s correct

In addition to the Bounding Box alteration try putting in = after return as suggested above (while retaining the definition)

Otherwise plug in your Object and the Coordinate Systems of its component surfaces into gmty and coSy of the code block you’ve posted above
It should mostly work if you’re working on a single object

Should I be using the revit bounding box or the Design script bounding box?

You’re working with Dynamo geometry, so the Dynamo Bounding Box, not the Element Bounding Box (if you’re alluding to that)

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@Vikram_Subbaiah Is there a way to have this create an axis aligned bounding box, like you have it, but make it in such a way that there is at least 4 edges parallel to the ground? sloping is fine, but just have its edges horizontal to the ground. For example if you have a rectangular bounding box laying flat on the ground and you lift up one edge, it will be sloped, but 4 edges will still be parallel to the floor. However if you lift up the one side and turn it say 45Âș you would only have one point on the ground and no edges would be parallel to the ground. I am trying to use it to encase with concrete so I need it remain parallel to the ground. Does that make sense? Thanks!

is possible to rotate an element bounding box without getting solids and exploding them? for example can I rotate all bounding boxes a certain degree or does only works if bounding box is converted to cuboid geometry?